Be part of our Local and Community History Month competition for a chance to win a history book bundle worth £50 for your school and a Samsung Galaxy tablet for the winning pupils.

Be inspired by the Local and Community History Month articles on Rockerbox News and share your own local and community history with us for a chance to win.

How It Works:

Step 1: Your pupils can find inspiration by reading about local and community histories from around the world on Rockerbox News. Simply search “History Month” at any of our 5 reading levels.

If you’re not yet a subscribing school, you can start a free two-week trial now for full and unlimited access to our non-fiction reading platforms.

Step 2: Ask your pupils to think about their own local and community history. Is there a person or tradition that they think other Rockerbox News around the world should know about?

Download our scaffolded competition instructions and submission templates here.

Use this as an inclusive Easter Holiday activity or do this as part of your own Local and Community History Month celebrations.

Step 3: Send a photograph or scan of your pupils’ completed submissions to before midnight on Monday 8th May 2023 with the subject line: “Local and Community History Month + SCHOOL NAME”.

Step 4: Our judging panel will choose the ideas that they find most interesting and unusual to be featured on Rockerbox News.

Two winning entries will then receive a history book bundle for their school library worth £50 and a Samsung Galaxy tablet for their home! 

The finalists will be featured on Rockerbox News and the winners will be announced before the end of Local and Community History Month in May 2023. Competition terms and conditions are available to view here.