In today’s busy world, it can be hard to make time to learn as a family. However, family learning is a vital part of a learner’s educational development outside of the classroom. That’s why here at Rockerbox News we have designed a weekly quiz to give families a simple, fun resource to boost family learning and bring a host of benefits.
Learn how Rockerbox News quizzes are an effective, engaging, and enjoyable family learning tool.

Boost Reading Comprehension
Rockerbox News’ global, positive articles are designed to boost reading comprehension and curriculum learning. By adding an extra level of interactivity, our quizzes encourage learners to consolidate their knowledge and develop attentive reading habits.
With quizzes launching every Saturday, why not encourage young readers to read throughout the week, noting down any important people, dates, or figures that might come up? This is a great way to promote attentive, critical reading in learners, and gets them ahead of the game when it comes to the quiz.
The quiz draws its questions from articles across our topics, so it can also expand readers’ interests by guiding them towards topics they wouldn’t normally explore.
Comparing quiz scores week after week is also a great way to identify any areas of weakness or strength, which can inform the focus of home learning. These two easy methods allow you to use the Rockerbox News quiz to promote reading comprehension skills.
Try at home: Remind learners that there is a quiz every week. Encourage them to keep their eyes peeled for key dates, figures, and other bits of useful information. Encourage them to start a ‘fun facts’ journal where they can write down possible answers.
Test and Improve Learner Recall
Rockerbox News quizzes are a great way to develop a young learner’s recall skills. When the quiz launches, see how many answers they can give without looking back through the articles.
This is a quick and easy way to learn about what types of information your learners remember best, and what sticks in their mind after reading. Once learners have made their initial guesses, open up the app and let them check their answers and seek out the ones they missed.
Research shows that seeking out information again helps learners to absorb it, making this a surefire way to help learners memorize interesting facts.
Try at home: See if any of the quiz questions are from articles the family have read. Ask the question and write down their answer. Open the article and see if the answer was correct.

Research Skills
To answer all ten questions correctly, readers will need to seek out information from a variety of articles in the Rockerbox News app. This helps them build up research skills as they search for articles, comb through them, and look up dates, facts, and figures.
Guide your learners to scan texts for relevant information and help them to seek out definitions of any words they don’t understand. Through this, you can encourage a methodical approach to research. The Rockerbox News quiz helps learners build the research skills that are essential for work across the curriculum.
Try at home: Ask one of the questions from the quiz. Work together to search for relevant terms in the platform and track down the right article. Encourage your learners to use good search terms and scan the text.
Quality Family Time
The Rockerbox News weekly quiz is ideal for getting the whole family involved in home learning. Once you have individual profiles set up for every family member, you can split questions between yourselves and search for answers. Or, if you’re up for a bit of competitive fun, you could create teams and test each other.
This allows learners to develop their teamwork skills, modelling both collaboration and independence in a fun way.
Try at home: Set up family teams and compete against each other every week. If the whole family is involved, the Rockerbox News weekly quiz will never feel like learning.

To sum up…
Rockerbox News quizzes are the perfect way to facilitate fun and effective family learning. Quizzes are posted every Saturday on our Facebook page, and you can submit answers through the ‘Contact Rockerbox News’ section of the app. Just number your answers 1-10.
With great prizes like free membership for your family (and a friend’s family) on the line, what better time is there to start?